Rejoice, I have returned!

So, I have been a bad blogger haven’t I? I’ve totally neglected this blog for nearly a year now. I have no real excuses other than I’ve been working a lot and my interest in the game waned somewhat. But I’m back, and whilst still busy, I’ve gotten a new interest in the game.

Meet Eldaraina


This is my Blood Elf Warlock I decided to level back in November. I felt like a change, and my work nights totally coincided with my alliance guilds raid nights, so I rolled a baby ‘lock on Argent Dawn EU. Warlock is one of the classes I’ve not played much, and I was happily surprised how much fun I had with her. I managed to hit 90 with her literally the week before Blizzard finally made it so you could mail heirlooms cross realm, so levelling her was both fun yet oddly nerve wracking as every dungeon I ran was with mostly with people in full heirlooms, so I spent a lot of time worrying that I was doing something terribly wrong as I was rarely anywhere but the bottom of the dps tables. At least I could send Timeless Isle BoAs to her. And I found out I wasn’t so bad *phew*.

I ended up joining a nice bunch of folks called Raiders Inc that haven’t been raiding MoP stuff very long, so I don’t feel like I’m lagging behind, and the game is fun again! So expect to hear more from me from now on!

As for her Mog, that’s my favourite EVER tier gear, worth levelling a ‘lock for in itself.

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