It’s Been a While *Dusts off Blog*

So it’s been a while huh? I’ve sadly neglected this blog, but I swear I’ll be more active from now on.

There have been some big changes for me, both in real life and in game. So I’d better explain.

I now work full time at the pub. Which is great, but for now at least I’m working Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings until close. As Enthusiams raiding nights are Monday, Thursday and Friday I had to make the hard decision to change to another guild, one that had raiding times more suited to my hours. So I am now a raiding member of Oops Wrong Button on Bronze Dragonflight EU. I’m also playing a Beast Mastery Hunter as my main now. I still have characters in Enthusiasm, and I will be dropping in to visit ALOT. I cried when I left, much to G’s bemusement, not being an online gamer like myself he didn’t quite get why I was upset.

Another change in my life is me and G get married in May. So much to plan, when I think I’ve got it all sorted something else comes up, and I had a disaster with ordering my dress online (the ‘UK’ company turned out to be a Chinese shop selling knock offs of other people’s designs, they even stole photos for the original websites), but I got my money back in the end and its all back on track. G’s outfit cost more than mine! But I am geeking out to the max in one respect. I am turning up to my wedding in a DeLorean. That’s the Back to the Future car for those who don’t know. Hey, what can I say, I have love those movies since I was a little kid! I’ve always wanted to ride in a DeLorean and now I am!


Anyway, I am at work so better be getting on with things. I’ll be designing a new banner reflecting the new changes for my blog later.

The Many Faces of Morrigu

Not much gaming has been happening at my end.  I’ve been a busy little barmaid, and find that I am too tired to do much more than sleep when I get home!  But I was looking at a couple of recent photo’s taken of me, and was struck by the differences between activities in them, which just shows how odd and varied my life can be sometimes!

The first picture was taken during a caving trip run by Yorkshire Dales Guides down a cave called Long Churn, not far from where I live.  So here is me in a fetching red caving suit and helmet.

It was a little bit of a squeeze 🙂

The next photo was taken this weekend.  It was Ingleton 1940’s Weekend, and well, I had to dress up for work.  Never let it be said when Morrigu does something she does a half assed job of it!

I very rarely wear dresses, so to me this is a big deal! And I have to admit I cheated and got a hairdresser to do the hair.

So yeah, just goes to show the weird stuff I fill my time with 😛


Alive, But No Kicking Today Folks!

I did it! I completed the 12 mile challenge!


Graham and I finished it in 5 hours 22 minutes, and whilst I’m not sure about the fastest and the slowest times, I’m happy with that. I’m not that fit, I’m overweight, I have knee problems and yeah, ok, I spend too much time on World of Warcraft (and Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, but that’s a whole new post). But I did it! And no epic mount was involved 🙂 The walk was over moorland and trails in the Yorkshire Dales so it was steep in places, but it was enjoyable. And the weather was lovely. I even overcame certain hang ups when I had to find a convenient wall to duck behind…

I won’t lie. Yes, I may have over done things. I was fine until the last few miles, and maybe I should have admitted my limits, but I am a stubborn old boot sometimes and wanted to prove I could do this. As a result my knees are swollen, my right hip is painful and I have a blister the size of a 10p piece on my right foot just behind the ties (about a bit less than an inch for non Brit-Landers). I’m hoping a hot bath and an early night will help, as I have work tomorrow. Yeah, I only took one day off. Oops.

G, of course, being skinny and fitter has nary a twinge, but I won’t hate him too much for that.

But screw the pain! I have raised £55 for a good cause (so far), and have proven something to myself (that I’m either strong mentally or I’m batshit, I’m swinging towards the latter).

And I have a medal. Booyah.